Saturday, January 11, 2014

Top 5 2013 Moments

A day late and a dollar short. 

I intended on posting this January first of 2014 but you cant win 'em all. Am I right? Anywho, I can't believe 2013 is over. I spent some time thinking about the year and praying into the new year. I think it is really important to take time to acknowledge the best moments in life, here are the five greatest things that happened (in no particular order): 

1. Gavin DeGraw Concert: I finally got to see my boo thang Gavin live in concert!! I've loved him since 9th grade and seeing him live was better then I ever imagined. I saw him in Dallas with Kim Kim and it was a dream come true. Also, boyfriend sang directly to me as you can see in the image. Life complete.

2. Graduated from ACU: What? Basically, I don't even remember this happening. My last semester at ACU was a big huge blur. Lets see, in one semester I moved in with Anna who ended up being one of my all time dearest friends, was diagnosed with and recieved treatment for anxiety, came face to face with a perve who had been peeking in my window,      participated in siggie and senior sing song (and won), and so much more. It was a beautiful ending to a tumultuous season of life. 

3. Met Pippa: Pippa is the puppy that stole my heart. I rescued her outside of Walmart and love her more and more every day. She is the smartest little thing and I love to teach her new tricks. She graduated from puppy class and intermediate class and is working her way towards becoming a canine good citizen. She has stolen my heart and inspires me daily. 

4. My Best Friends Wedding:  I got the honor of standing beside my best friend of 10 years as she married the man of her dreams. It was surreal giving a toast at her reception. i will savor every moment from the engagement party to sending the couple off on their honeymoon. 

5. Started Working for the Man: I graduated from college and started work in the Dirty D. It was a crazy wonderful experience. I got to meet a real life mariache band, hang with good looking sports radio announcers, meet amazing people (aka Chelsea),  and learn the ins and outs of public relations. Not only that but I got to minister to people on the DART, which was amazing. 

Cheers to 2013 y'all. 

Lots of Love,