REALITY CHECK: have you ever truly loved your body? I sure haven't.
I've been thinking about this a lot (uh-oh). I'll look through old cheer pictures and see my body as trim, fit and beautiful; but, if you had asked me at the time, I would have told you I was a hideous wide-load. Harsh, right?
Let's get real...I've never seen my body as beautiful, not even once. I've never looked in the mirror and been proud of the skin I am in. That is a serious problem.
I've grown so bitter towards my body that I fear dressing rooms, binge eat food, and even avoid social situations (which is so not my personality). As my body expands so does my excuses, fears, and disappointments.
LET'S CHANGE: I was scrolling through my Instagram feed comparing myself to all of the perfect people's lives when I found this plus size fashion blogger...boy was I inspired. She was beautiful in every sense of the word.
She dressed in all the latest fashion trends (which I had convinced myself was impossible if you are larger than a size 12). So, I'm thinking that maybe for me ... health and fitness will be a result of loving my body because loving my body has not been a result of health and fitness.
Starting today, I am making myself a promise to love my body just the way it is...right this weight...wearing this size.
So, if I want to wear fashion-forward geo print leggings then dang it I WILL!
Size 2 or size 200, lets be brave and love our bodies exactly how they are.
Will you join me in this challenge? Comment below with all your thoughts on body image.
Lots of Love,
All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
-- Song of Solomon 4:7
Katy sister this BLESSES me!! You are so not alone in this struggle. For years I struggled (still do) with the same thing. Body image, binge eating, hiding my insecurities with humor/big tshirts, you name it. It wasn't until I started believing the exact truths that you mentioned that I had a starting desire to take care of myself. (Did Whole30!) Psalm 139 had a HUGE roll in that. I realized God loved my body exactly how it was right now, not the future size 6 I longed to be but could never obtain bc of my compulsive overeating habits. Take heart that you are exactly where you need to be-believing that you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL just the way God created you-"fearfully and wonderfully made" "knitted together in your mother's womb" (Go read psalm 139 right now! It's amazing! Haha) But really. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable in a struggle that all women keep so quiet. If you ever want to talk more id love to grab coffee or something and catch up! I am adding you to my prayer list!! Keep on digging into what God says about you, His beautiful precious chosen daughter! Love you sister. -Katie Baumgratz