PTL I'm becoming more cultured. I recently learned in an office discussion that if you aren't native to Texas you probably don't know what a blue bonnet is let alone have the urge to frolic around in a field of them while taking killer pics.
Let me enlighten you. Us Texans have an OBSESSION with blue bonnets and most of us take pictures in them yearly. The beautiful, unique flowers only bloom for a short season of time and are gone before you know it. They are elusive little devils.
Anyways, my sister and I go to the same field every year to take pictures of my darling nieces. This year we wanted to beat the crowd (because no one likes an empty, body shape patch of dirt in their pictures where some other crazed photographer laid down to take pictures) so we could have the field to ourselves and avoid trampled blooms.
We went after/during a rain. While we left covered in mud the gorgeous sunset and Texas sky was worth the mess, Plus, any good photographer never lets the disgusting weather stop them.
Below you will find my favorite shots. I only do this for fun so don't be to critical ya jerks.
No doubt in my mind; this is my favorite photo. It is so natural. So beautiful.
Any shot where the girls are running wild and free I am going to love. Duh.
This one I love because it truly captures the essence of sisters.
So soft. So pretty.
It couldn't be harder to be four. This one has such an Alice in Wonderland feel and I love it.
If anyone needs an album cover .... this is it.
Love the gold orb in this one. Makes me think Angels are always with us.
Who can resist this face? No one.
This is your typical blueby shot and I'm okay with that.
More of that sweet sibling love.
Just stop being a beautiful, super-model four year old. I cant take it.
Again I say, Just stop being a beautiful, super-model five year old. It makes people feel awkward.
While I HATE the cars photo bombing, I love that kids are never afraid to just throw their hands up and run around screaming their joy.
The epitome of the perfect spin. Good luck trying to achieve that.
Moody. Compelling. Sweet.
Don't worry, I brought Pippa with and took pictures of her as well. Here are my favsies:
Smiling Pippa. She obviously leads a charmed life.
Always listening to me super intently.

She cant resist taking a few model shots. She knows she's beautiful.
Well that's all for now. I would say I'm going to be better about blogging consistently but I can't be held to that. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who gets a kick out of it. God only knows. Go read your Bible.
**Share your favorite blue bonnet photos in the comments below (human OR animal). I'd love to see them and I'd also love to know we aren't the only family that obsesses this time of year.
Lots of Love,
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