I did something crazy y'all!!! I took engagement pictures for my sister and her fiance Chance. Ex-squeeze me? Just call me a professional photographer I guess. I've never shot a couple... I usually stick to dogs and kids because they have little to no opinions on my baesic photography skills. The couple seemed pleased though so i'll count this as a win. Here are some of our favorites from the shoot. Enjoy!
Musings of a Morrical
An eclectic collection of my thoughts as I journey through the peaks and valleys of life.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Friday, May 1, 2015
April Showers...
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. - 2 Corinthians 5:17
I have done an excessive amount of crying during the month of April. I cried at work (a million times). I cried to my parents. I cried anytime I was in the car. I cried as Pippa-the-Pup licked my face in an effort to soothe me. It was truly cry-fest 2k15. #drama
Don't we all have seasons like this? I hope so because there is no victory without a battle and everyone should feel the rush of a victory.
NATURE CALLS: Now, the trees in our backyard are outrageously gorgeous. Every morning I take Pippa out to go potty and for the first few weeks of April this little, white-blossoming apple tree caught my eye. It is totally breath-taking to look out among the sea of green/brown and see this beautiful white tree right smack dab in the middle of it all.
The more time I spent looking at the tree, the more certain I became that God was using it to talk to me in my season of turmoil. But, what was He trying to say? Out of all the spring's I've spent living at my parents house and admiring the trees, why was I just now noticing this snow white beauty?
Then it clicked. Do you see the little hot-mess of a tree stub just in front of the fence? That was a full-blown gorgeous pear tree last spring. One day it just fell over. Cause of death... root rot. At this juncture, I could go on and talk about how important it is to develop deep, healthy roots but thats a message for a different day. So, as we hacked that tree into a million pieces and hauled it up the deck for future firewood, I remember thinking how tragic it was that this beautiful fruit bearing tree was no more. I was legitimately sad about it...like crazy nature lady sad.
THE SILVER LINING: Every piece of the pear tree served a purpose: the wood kept a family warm in the winter, the fruit served as nourishment for all our furry woodland creatures, the continually changing color of the leaves served as inspiration for the soul, and who knows what stories accompany the seedling.
The pear tree was glorious; however, I'd never noticed the blossoming white tree because it was always blocked. The pear tree had to die in order for the white tree to be revealed. I may not have understood when I was hauling the tree away in tiny pieces but it was not yet time to understand.
God is always working.
I'm in a season of root rot. My tree is/has fallen and eventually, when all the branches are cleared, something better, something more beautiful, will be revealed.
As we walk through seasons of failure, loss, and sadness we can take courage knowing that Spring is coming and the rain is going to wash it all away. When the pear tree tipped over 10 months ago, God knew that the little white apple tree would serve in its place as a fresh reminder of grace. Is that not so comforting? Remember, God formed us before He created us. Let's stop pushing are expectations on him and starting having hope centered in His character.
Side-note, the pear tree is growing back! It might be a little crooked but seeing those tiny green branches grow bigger and bigger is so encouraging. Grow tree, grow! Another side-note, as I've been writing/molding/shaping this blog post, Mom hacked the tree down again...but I still think it will grow.
Lots of Love,
"Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it." - Ezra 10.4
Monday, April 20, 2015
Unboxing + Freebie | April Barkbox 2015
Let me start by apologizing for how painfully awkward this video is. I'm sorry.
BarkBox is a "monthly box of dog goodies." The company donates 10% of its profits to pups in need and the items found in each box are primarily USA sourced. Pippa receives a 6 month subscription to the Big & Bold box and is part of the Extra Toy Club. Please note, you are charged all at once for your subscription (my plan averages out to $28 a month).
If you are interested in BarkBox but have yet to commit, I think this video may be of service.
I chose BarkBox primarily because I love having the latest and greatest for my darling Princess Pippa. If you are ready to commit to BarkBox use my promo code and receive an additional free box added to your plan.
Holla' if you have any additional questions.
Lots of Love,
Kate + Pippa
Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. - John Grogran
Thursday, February 12, 2015
My 11k, Crop Top Wearing New Year's Celebration
Y'all, praise the Lord for a new year!
I get weirdly excited for the New Year's holiday every year. I love the whole concept of learning from the past and celebrating the future as you live in the now.
I'd only made two car payments when the accident happened...
My two little nieces, sister, and I were all in the car when an SUV came straight for us in a bizarre, jousting-tournament kind of way.
I've been in several wrecks..let's reminisce:
- The I-Swear-It-Wasn't-My-Fault Incident: I rear-ended someone way back in highschool and I was in my sisters car (sorry Sara...you have a cooler car now anyways). I was 16 and hadn't been driving very long when I turned a corner and plowed into a car parked at a stop light. To this day I swear my breaks gave out...which, for the record, is HORRIFYING.
- The Rainy Day Fender Bender: I was in the front seat when one of my friends hit the car in front of us. This one happened in college and was definitely the least emotionally scarring. What is aca-akward about this one is that we were friends with the car in front of us and headed to the same place.
- The Mama Hog Collision: We were on or way to..or from (I Don't remember because I blocked it out)...a night of two stepping when we hit a massive hog out in the Middle-of-Nowhere, Abilene. I was in the front seat (#DIVA) when the action occurred. It went like this:
- Make eye contact with hog too-little-too-late > hit hog...hard > spin a couple times > hit something again crushing my door in > spin a couple more times because why not > barbed wire fence catches the car stoping it from spinning and bringing us to a stop
Okay back to what I was talking about...so, although I've had all those wrecks this one was different. In all my other wrecks, I felt like a victim. Like s scared and fragile baby-bird victim. This collision was different.
As this guy was looking me straight in the eye and racing towards me in his 5,000 pound battering ram, for the first time in my car wreck history I felt strong. The other wrecks happened in a flash of panic, fear, and screaming; however, this wreck felt slow, calm, and weirdly peaceful. I was able to think. The first thing I did was lay on my horn to alert him (didn't work), then I checked to see if anyone was next to me (there was), then I prepared for the unavoidable impact by turning our car so my door would get the brunt of the force (anything but the babies).
Boy, did he hit us hard. I make it sound like I was some bold, brave war hero but please understand that I was that person for all of 2 seconds. As soon as I pulled the car over I fell apart like a complete and total lunatic. L-U-N-A-T-I-C. Like, next-level crazy. So, take this as my formal apology to my nieces, sister, Gary (aka the true hero/old farmer who pried my door open), flirty paramedics, cute firemen, Pollards, mom, Sonic lady, police officers, and masses of rubber neckers...sorry you had to see my crazy and thanks for getting me through it.
We all walked away from this wreck without a scratch. My new car is the exact same make and model as the one I totaled (2013 Ford Focus). I am thankful that I now know first hand how sturdy and safe the car I drive is which has lessened my driving anxiety. My new car is sparkly black with dark interior (perfect for dog and niece messes). It has 20,000 miles less then the previous car. Although my payment is $100 more, I will pay it off 5 years earlier.
I have learned so much from this and am so thankful its over!!!
$10,836.62 is the amount of debt I paid off in 2014. I spent way to much time crunching the numbers on this.
This number really gets me fired up. I am crazy proud of this number and the fact that I paid that much back in only 6 months. However, it also puts into perspective how much more I could be giving.
In 2015, I want to push harder when it comes to paying back debt.
LIVING IN THE NOW: I'm sure several of you noticed the bold crop-top choice I made for New Year's. This was very intentional.
***Please note: typically my clothes are very modest and in no way edgy as I am a firm believer in "modest is hottest." This decision was carefully made between me and LJC (Lord Jesus Christ).
My last blog entry was all about loving your body and I was hella serious about it. I knew that in order to practice-what-I-preach I needed to challenge myself. I was online shopping (bad habit) and saw this sweet little crop top at a FAB price.
I scrolled past it telling myself "there ain't no person in this ding dang world that wants to see your pale stomach and/or that much of ya hideous body". Once I realized that I had done that, I knew I had to buy it AND wear it in public.
I was already planning on ringing in the new year with my old-school besties in Austin. I sent a group text (to serve as accountability) to my girls, informing them of my find and my intentions to wear it. They were, of course, supportive.
So, I actually did it. I wore the crop top. I proudly wore it all over Austin's 6th Street on New Year's freaking Eve. And guess what, people loved it. Boo-yah.
So, this little adventure had nothing to do with getting the positive attention of boys (which it did). It had everything to do with breaking a bad habit of self-hate. I felt beautiful, confident, and fabulous in that crop top, blue skirt, and heels and that has happened very few times in my life.
Lots of Love,
Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, 'It will be happier.'
-- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Friday, December 19, 2014
Plus Size and Perfect
REALITY CHECK: have you ever truly loved your body? I sure haven't.
I've been thinking about this a lot (uh-oh). I'll look through old cheer pictures and see my body as trim, fit and beautiful; but, if you had asked me at the time, I would have told you I was a hideous wide-load. Harsh, right?
Let's get real...I've never seen my body as beautiful, not even once. I've never looked in the mirror and been proud of the skin I am in. That is a serious problem.
I've grown so bitter towards my body that I fear dressing rooms, binge eat food, and even avoid social situations (which is so not my personality). As my body expands so does my excuses, fears, and disappointments.
LET'S CHANGE: I was scrolling through my Instagram feed comparing myself to all of the perfect people's lives when I found this plus size fashion blogger...boy was I inspired. She was beautiful in every sense of the word.
She dressed in all the latest fashion trends (which I had convinced myself was impossible if you are larger than a size 12). So, I'm thinking that maybe for me ... health and fitness will be a result of loving my body because loving my body has not been a result of health and fitness.
Starting today, I am making myself a promise to love my body just the way it is...right now...at this weight...wearing this size.
So, if I want to wear fashion-forward geo print leggings then dang it I WILL!
Size 2 or size 200, lets be brave and love our bodies exactly how they are.
Will you join me in this challenge? Comment below with all your thoughts on body image.
Lots of Love,
All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
-- Song of Solomon 4:7
Monday, April 21, 2014
Blue Bonnets 2014 Favorites | Behind the Scenes
PTL I'm becoming more cultured. I recently learned in an office discussion that if you aren't native to Texas you probably don't know what a blue bonnet is let alone have the urge to frolic around in a field of them while taking killer pics.
Let me enlighten you. Us Texans have an OBSESSION with blue bonnets and most of us take pictures in them yearly. The beautiful, unique flowers only bloom for a short season of time and are gone before you know it. They are elusive little devils.
Anyways, my sister and I go to the same field every year to take pictures of my darling nieces. This year we wanted to beat the crowd (because no one likes an empty, body shape patch of dirt in their pictures where some other crazed photographer laid down to take pictures) so we could have the field to ourselves and avoid trampled blooms.
We went after/during a rain. While we left covered in mud the gorgeous sunset and Texas sky was worth the mess, Plus, any good photographer never lets the disgusting weather stop them.
Below you will find my favorite shots. I only do this for fun so don't be to critical ya jerks.
No doubt in my mind; this is my favorite photo. It is so natural. So beautiful.
Any shot where the girls are running wild and free I am going to love. Duh.
This one I love because it truly captures the essence of sisters.
So soft. So pretty.
It couldn't be harder to be four. This one has such an Alice in Wonderland feel and I love it.
If anyone needs an album cover .... this is it.
Love the gold orb in this one. Makes me think Angels are always with us.
Who can resist this face? No one.
This is your typical blueby shot and I'm okay with that.
More of that sweet sibling love.
Just stop being a beautiful, super-model four year old. I cant take it.
Again I say, Just stop being a beautiful, super-model five year old. It makes people feel awkward.
While I HATE the cars photo bombing, I love that kids are never afraid to just throw their hands up and run around screaming their joy.
The epitome of the perfect spin. Good luck trying to achieve that.
Moody. Compelling. Sweet.
Don't worry, I brought Pippa with and took pictures of her as well. Here are my favsies:
Smiling Pippa. She obviously leads a charmed life.
Always listening to me super intently.

She cant resist taking a few model shots. She knows she's beautiful.
Well that's all for now. I would say I'm going to be better about blogging consistently but I can't be held to that. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who gets a kick out of it. God only knows. Go read your Bible.
**Share your favorite blue bonnet photos in the comments below (human OR animal). I'd love to see them and I'd also love to know we aren't the only family that obsesses this time of year.
Lots of Love,
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