I have successfully made it to Oxford. It was a difficult trip, to say the least. The flight was nine hours and completely exhausting. We arrived in London early in the morning. We took a train into town and then proceeded to go on a walking tour of the city. We walked around for hours on end. Being awake for over thirty hours meant that Christina and I were beyond exhausted. Fatigue is a cruel fate. we stayed awake as long as our sleepy eyes would let us. Then we dozed off at about 7:30 pm. In Europe the sun rises around 3 am, its awful. Day two we had a little but more energy but the energy left us quickly with a day full of classes and walking. This place is stunning. It is so different than anything I have ever seen. Sometimes I stop and just look around completely mesmerized by the world around me. Here are some of the pictures I've taken thus far:
Me and Christina at DFW getting ready to board the plane. This seems like so long ago.
Siggies at DFW seeking through Christ. Photo Courtesy of Christine Gore.
This is the adorable house I'm living at. Built in 1850 this house is full of creaks and quirks but absolutely adorable. Can you believe the house Im living in is older than the state of Texas!
This is the other ACU house that is right next door to us.
This part of town is so close to our house. There is a little diner on this street that me and Christina love to go to called On the Hoof. It is such a quaint area.
The Eagle and Child is the pub where C. S. Lewis met regularly with his friend to discuss literature. Some of his best book ideas were originated in this place including the Chronicles of Narnia
No this isn't just a picture of a random wall; its actually one of the first walls to ever be built in Oxford. It served as a gate to the city. It was built in the 8th century.
Yes this is the Harry Potter Castle. Unreal. My life is complete.
European people are so fascinating. They are much more interesting than Americans. Here in oxford there is so much activity on the streets that it is so fun to take pictures of.
Well thats all for now. This place is a dream. Although Im still fighting jet lag Im thoroughly enjoying this beautiful place. Pray that I get more energy and also safe travel as we venture out to Paris this weekend.
Lots of Love
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